The Kingdom of God is full of principles and until you understand
them, you'll always meet road blocks in your christian life.
One of those Principles are:
There is a power in praise that until you understand it -
you'll never get to understand the secret
about how our Lord Jesus was able to feed
5,000 men in the wilderness(John 6:5-12) or how
He raised Lazarus back to life
(John 11:41-44). The very thing He did in each of the Miraculous
stories is -
He gave
Praise is a replenisher, things never get finished in your hand.
No matter how bad your situation is, if you can endeavour to give
Him a 'sincere praise' regardless of the circumstances -
you will NEVER lack any good thing!
(Psalm 34:10). Let me share a wonderful testimony
with you from one of Winners' Chapel WOFBI student in Liberia,
she had just been taught the 'Wonders of
so she decided to act on what she had be taught.
It was during the war, and there was no food, everyone was literally
Then she decided to praise God while there was no food,
then it came to pass, as she was praising God, a group of rebels
suddenly invaded their compound. They entered her house, but
instead of doing them harm, brought bags of rice, beans, chicken and
other food items and said, "Cook for us."
The rebels ate that day and left, leaving the rest of the bags of food
behind. GOD miraculously supplied
their need!
You can't praise God and Lack! It's impossible! praise calls the LION Of
JUDAH down from Heaven just to hear you praise Him.
Praise is a sure way of getting God's ATTENTION.
God doesn't joke with praise that comes from the heart.
Biblical Proofs that
Praising God works:
In Acts 16, Paul and Silas used the power of praise to call the Holy
Spirit to action. They literally called down God into that place! -
because as He came, an earthquake occurred, it shook the prison and everything in
it! All the prison gates flung open and their chains fell off! What a Miracle!
In 2 Chronicles 20, king Jehoshaphat and his people used the
power of praise to effortlessly defeat their enemies,
God took over the battle, while they just praised the Lord and watched Him do
The opposite of
murmuring is complaining and grumbling over nothing. The easiest way to
miss your God ordained blessing is to be a - Murmurer.
God hates
Those who murmured in the wilderness were destroyed of the destroyer.
That is why those who murmur are natural failures, nothing ever
works for them, so struggling becomes their day to day
Murmuring will only
turn God against
if God be against
you; who will help
you?? Who will you
pray to??
While not use that time you use in complaining to God - to Praise Him?
1 minute of heart-
felt Praises offered
to God is better than
10 hours of
grumbling and
God will take over the battle of your life if you just setup time
to praise Him.Don't mind HOW Big that problem is- just
praise Him! He is worthy of our praise, He is very ready to
bless us if we praise
Set out time everyday
to praise the ancient of
days and watch Him do
Wonders in your LIFE in
Jesus Name ! AMEN!
- Bishop David Oyedepo.
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