John 15:1-3; Psalm 119:9; Joshua 1:8.
The Word of God is the spiritual soap for the believer. The Lord says that we are clean
through the Word He speaks to us. A young man is also able to cleanse his ways
through the application of the word of God.
impurities are washed off. Endeavour therefore to daily make it a habit to read the
Word of God and meditate on what you have read.
The more you read the Word of God the more you will be cleansed and
you will be useful to God. There is a spiritual battle for anyone who
constantly wants to read the Word of God, that is why many find it much easier to read a
novel, newspapers, and anything but the Bible.
Immediately they pick up the Bible to read, they become sleepy or unnecessary
interruption occur. The devil does not want you to know what God said in His Word,
because if you begin to know - you will be too Hot for him to touch.
because if you begin to know - you will be too Hot for him to touch.
The devil is the author of sickness and poverty, he will do
everything he can to make sure you don'tknow this.
Remember, sickness is not from God- it's His will that we
Remember, sickness is not from God- it's His will that we
be in good Health Acts 10:38. Isn't it funny? You will sleep for 8-10 hours and
wake up on a Sunday morning energized and Happy, then you head to
church, only to begin feeling sleepy immediately the pastor begin preaching his sermon.
So, you see? The devil does not want you to
know the Word! He wants you to stay under his oppression,
and to do that - he will make sure you never know the Word.
But, thank God, we're above the devil, we can
read the Bible and meditate on it anytime we want.
Pray against anything that will hinder you
from studying the Bible and determine that daily you will apply the
spiritual soap which is the Word of God.
Note: "The devil can only
be above you if you
don't know the Word"
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