September 24, 2012


2 Timothy 2:15
Without knowledge my people perish (Hosea 4:6). The
devil can only be stronger and mightier than any believer only
when they are ignorant of the Word.

Imagine you are a lawyer, and you are in a courtyard trying to
defend your client.
Can you defend your client when you don't know him? Can you
defend your client when you have not done your research?
If your thinking is inline with my own own - i guess your
answer to all these questions will be a capital "NO". The same
applies to Christianity-
for you to grow you have to love and
know God. If you want to love and know God you have to read and
meditate on His Word - the Bible.

There are three ways of getting to know God and the scriptures the more.
The first way is to -


Reading the Bible involves going through scriptures and
going from one chapter of a book, to the next till that particular
book is completed,E.g Like reading through the book of Job to
get a better understanding of what happened to him.

Second way to study the Word of God is to -


In this case,people study the Bible, precept
upon precept,line upon line, here a little,
and there a little. This is more in-depth and gives
more understanding than the mere reading of the bible.
In studying, one can decide to choose a topic, such as Healing,
Praise, The Holy Spirit, Women in the Bible etc, and study what
the whole Bible has to say about that particular topic.
This involves a search from Genesis through to Revelation.
The study of the Bible is mandatory for all Christians who
wants to excel in his Christian walk.

The third way of understanding the scripture is through-


Meditation means,“to consider deeply, to reflect upon,
to revolve in the mind.”
Meditation can be defined 'Biblically' as an act of taking
a verse or a portion of scripture and dwelling on it to get a
more perfect understanding of it.

Bishop David O. Oyedepo in his book “COMMANDING THE SUPERNATURAL”
described Meditation in a peculiar way. He said:

“It is similar to the physical process of ‘food digestion’.
When you eat food, it undergoes three major processes before
The nutrients in it can benefit the body. There are:

“Digestion, Absorption and Assimilation”

Many times we think that the taste of in the mouth and its
Weight in the stomach is all that there is to food. But until
These three processes take place, the food you eat adds no
value to your body. No matter how delicious what you eat is,
It must be broken into ‘assimilable’ forms so that your body
can absorb the nutrients in it.
Similarly, until the Word of God you hear or read is broken
Down into ‘assimilable’ forms and you contact the gems in it,
Your life cannot be bettered by it. The meditation process is what
Breaks down the Word into digestible forms, equipping you to walk
On the highways of the miraculous.”

Following these three ways above will surely get you going on the right
Direction. Reading/studying/meditating on the Word will rid you of all
the ignorance the devil have made you believe.

The first thing you have to do is repent and take Jesus Christ as your
Lord and Saviour- because the hidden secrets in the Word can only be revealed to
the children of God and not to outsiders. Remember, what you believe determines
how you behave and how high you can go in life.
A sinner is an ‘outsider, and until you give your life to Christ -
you will always remain an ‘outsider’.
The Lord Jesus is ever ready to write your name in the ‘BOOK OF LIFE’ and
accept you back into His Kingdom if you pray for forgive.

The second thing you have to do is purging away your ignorance
through the reading/studying/meditating of the Word of God.


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